Know your rights

OFAC is a political persecution tool operating outside the legal framework of the United States. A person dealing with OFAC must understand that he is dealing with an organization that is founded to circumvent the laws of the land, and to prevent people from attaining their legal rights. Therefore do not expect OFAC to tell you or voluntarily give you your legal rights. YOU MUST KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND FORCE THEM INTO PLACE.

If the statement above seems hard to believe, here's some evidence.  The right of having legal representation is a Constitutional right, for a matter of fact the Federal Regulations governing OFAC operations mandate that OFAC must pay for attorney's fee from the blocked funds. This is stipulated in the CFR Section 539.507 of subpart E, part 593, tile 31 of the code (Read it here in PDF).  When Richard Chichakli requested the release of payment for his attorney's fee, OFAC refused to make payment. Why? Because it is not in their favor to have attorneys defending those victimized by OFAC's action.  To make it better, in that very particular case, the FBI and the US Attorney's office were conspiring with OFAC not to release payment for attorney's fee hoping that they can entrap Richard without legal representation.   You can see the entire set of regulations governing OFAC's work in OFAC CFR page

OFAC uses harassment and intimidation as scare tactics, they do that with the support of the FBI and the other federal and state law enforcement agencies. In most cases the FBI will be the one calling on the targeted people shortly before OFAC initiates action.  The FBI will first try to be nice and friendly with you before they try to scare you of dire consequences if you do not cooperate. You have the right to remain silent as you heard millions of time in movies, so remain silent.  Do not allow the agents into your work place or home; they must ask your permission to enter before they can enter, so do not say "Please come on in" when they ask "Can we come in to ask you some questions?"

Keep in mind that they cannot enter your place without a warrant, and the warrant requires a judge signature. The judge signature requires a good and valid legal reason (in most cases), and IF THEY HAVE A GOOD LEGAL REASON THEY WILL NOT USE OFAC!    Do not feel that you have no choice or they have the right to enter anyhow. Tell them to go and get a warrant if they want to enter keeping in mind that if they had the right to enter they will not ask your permission!