How to fight OFAC?
OFAC action is extrajudicial, and is not subject to constitutional rights. OFAC objective is to circumvent the laws; therefore, your strategy should be based on bringing legal action against them in federal court. That is right - GO TO COURT.
Bringing lawsuit against the United States Treasury is rule number one in fighting OFAC. They hate courts despite winning at all times in almost every district and circuit courts - with exception to the Ninth Circuit.
OFAC hates to be questioned, and worst of all hate to be forced to disclose what they allege to have. The routine is usually YOU must give them documents, it infuriates them and shakes their world when they are forced to "invent" justification of the acts they committed. In a Court of law, you will win regardless; sometime you win BIG as happened to me where the United States Government admitted that I was "POLITICALLY PERSUCTED." See the word: "POLITICAL ECONOMIC SANCTIONS" in official Federal Court's document HERE. If OFAC alleges that their action is justified, then, make them prove it. They will fail one way or another so go to court.
OFAC's official are no-better than the Nazi's Gestapo, a collection of vicious creatures that are ready to kill and destroy at the order of their master. They think in the realm of "inventing causes", never in what is lawful of at-least logical. THEREFORE, they are NEVER READY and never prepared to be in a court of Law. DO NOT give them time to fabricate a case against you, you will have a case created against you if you file or "OFAC Reconsideration". They will beg you to file for reconsideration and they will consume your time bogging you with tons of worthless paperwork all designed to allow them time to fabricate a case, to consume your resources, divert your focus, and frustrate you with bureaucratic process with NO HUMAN CONTACT.
OFAC WILL NOT ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE CALLS. OFAC TAKES MONTHS TO RESPOND, and THEY RRESPOND WITH MORE QUESTIONS FOR THINGS THEY KNOW YOU DO NOT HAVE. OFAC WILL ASK YOU TO PROVE THAT SOMETHING DID NOT HAPPEN! Do not be fouled with worthless "administrative procedure", instead, make them them tell a judge (descent or corrupt) on what grounds they destroyed your life. OFAC's objective is to maintain a status-quo in your designation case, they never aim to resolve the matter, and OFAC HAS NEVER REVERSED A DESIGNATION ACTION ON RECONSIDERATION - They are NEVER Wrong!
Sue them in a Court of Law where you win even if you loose the court's decision. OFAC uses the Gestapo's secrecy structure, and suing them will place them out of their comfort zone. It will expose their Gestapo Nazi-tactics to the public, and as you make the world aware of the lawfulness and the abuse of power by OFAC, your fellow citizens will take notice. The more the people know, the better off you will be. OFAC system is based on darkness, answering machines, and secrecy, public knowledge of their Nazi-tactics put them in a hard place. They feel that they are too superior to talk to you to justify their action, but if the public gets involved they will have to answer. Richard Chichakli did so and challenged the US government to substantiate what they alleged by filing charges in 2005. THEY FAILED, and each and every allegation the government invented in 2005 has been proven false. In retaliation, in 2013 - eight years after imposing sanctions upon Richard Chichakli, the government filed a case of an alleged conspiracy of money laundering to put me in jail! SEE HERE: THE FALSE CHARGES THEY ALLEGED IN 2005 - The United States Government DESTROYED MY LIFE AND FAMILY IN 2005 ON FALSE CHARGES NEITHER THEY CAN PROVE, NOR GRAND JURY ACCEPTED. This is OFAC for you, FIRST they Destroy your life on false unproven stories; then they steal your moneys and valuable. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, could be true in China, but not in dealing with OFAC's Nazi in a corrupt police state.
The fifth step is to get the politician involved. Write your representatives in the Senate and the House. Write to the media, to the human rights and advocacy groups, and to the political parties you support or belong to. You need to write plenty of time before you get to hear back from anybody. The reason is they are all representing the same government that has done you wrong, so you are somehow asking for justice from one of the conspirators. Regardless, write to put them all on notice make your voice be heard.
The final step you need to take if you can, is to move out of the United States, OFAC means and worth nothing outside the United States. This is a must step for anyone who is wrongly designated by OFAC, wrongly is very important here. In the US a designated person will be under severe pressure because he cannot eat, drink, buy, sell, do business, work, get credit, or even go to the bathroom without a license from OFAC. You will need a license to drink water, or to eat a sandwich, not even the Nazi did that! A license to Live!!! This is the United States Constitution at work.... and this this an undisputable Federal Court document in evidence... See for yourself