OFAC Sanctions Regimes

OFAC IS A POLITICAL ORGANIZATION, it is NOT a legislative body, NOT a law-enforcement agency, and most certainly NOT judicial.


OFAC POLITICAL SANCTIONS TAKES AWAY ALL OF YOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. You are Guilty until proven innocent - OFAC FIRST DESTROY YOU then asks you to prove that you are not guilty as they allege.  NO PRIOR NOTICE IS GIVEN, YOU WIL NOT BE PRESUMED INNOCENT, and YOUR "So-Called" Constitutional Rights under the Fifth, Fourth, First, and action Sanctions are

Sanctions against countries are sanctions placed in blanket format over any country that refuses to submit or to surrender its resources to the United States. Typically refusing the US bullying, intimidation, and infringement on sovereignty will result in sanctions by the US, and then the UN which is nothing more than a tool used to advance the US policy of domination and to legitimize its aggression against sovereign nations. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the unopposed United States single-handedly dictated the actions of the United Nations, and the UN Security Council.

OFAC administers a total of 32 sanction regimes as of today, and the list is expanding daily. The so-called sanctions started in 1964 by President John Kennedy with one sanction against Cuba, then the sanction start snow bowling to cater to the mode of the White House occupant. 12 sanction regimes involving 12 countries and nations were unsurprisingly championed or aggravated by Bush. Clinton initiated the sanctions against Burma and Sudan, while the sanctions against Iran were initiated by Regan. The list below further elaborates on these sanction regimes.

See Current OFAC List of Sanction Regimes (called programs)