Common Questions:
Q: Do you have to answer a Request for Information you received from OFAC?
A: Yes, but you do not have to tell them anything they can use against you. You can plead the Fifth amendment against self-incrimination.
Q: What is the extent of OFAC powers?
A: OFAC is very powerful in the United States ONLY. OFAC has no power and holds no value or authority anywhere else in the world. That being said one must never underestimate the power of the US Government to influence other countries to cooperate in respect to OFAC sanctions.
Q: How does OFAC enforce its sanctions internationally?
A: OFAC works in tandem with the US State Department. OFACs sanctions are enforced at the international level by using the United Nations Security Council. The way it works is that OFAC designates a person and manufactures a link to one of the countries under sanctions by the United Nations, then it submits the name of that person through the State Department to the UN, so the person becomes sanctioned worldwide. Richard Chichakli was the first American citizen to go through this routine.
Q: Who must observe or comply with OFAC orders and freezing of assets?
A: OFAC orders are observed in the United States, but they means nothing outside the US. American financial institutions, and American-owned entities must observe and comply with OFAC orders anywhere they operate. OFAC means nothing for non-American banks and entities; therefore, most of OFAC victims live, work, and do business outside the US .
Q: If I was frozen by OFAC can I still do business in the US?
A: Legally-speaking no, you will not be allowed to do business in the US nor can US entities do business with you. However, there are a few million ways to do business undetected with acceptable level of risk. The question is why to risk it?
Q: Where can I get information concerning dealing with OFAC?
A: Legal guidance and information can be best received from your own lawyer. Support groups and people in situation like yours can also provide you with plenty of practical information. There are many support groups backed by professionals and experts available around the world.
Q: Can anybody show me how to go about things in defiance of OFAC?
A: American persons cannot legally do it because they are subject to OFAC rules.
Q: What about the license business?
A: OFAC has no standards governing the licensing process, it is arbitrary process based on how they feel about you personally.
Q: If the FBI came to ask you questions, what should you do?
A: First, you do not let them into your home or business or give them the chance to get comfortable and quiz you. The first thing they usually do is to ask your permission to enter "Can we come in?" Your answer must be NO. Tell them nicely that they need a warrant if they want to come in.
Second, DO NOT LIE to them. You can refuse to answer by taking the Fifth amendment, or you can refuse to answer without the presence of your attorney. Whatever you do, do not lie to federal agents because lying to federal agents is a crime and they will use that against you.
Q: What is the best way to fight OFAC?
A: SUE THE BASTARDS, they hate to be subjected to the laws and the court process. Read more on how to fight OFAC
Q: Is requesting a reconsideration a good thing?
A: No, it just gives them extra time and more tools to make-up a case against you. OFAC did not pass any single request for reconsideration. The reconsideration can be done through politics and lobbying, but not directly with OFAC. Remember OFAC is nothing but a vicious dog that is there to hurt you. Dealing with the dog is no good, you need to talk to the one holding the leash.